Why my 99 dodge neon don't start up but turn over great?
2 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
....okay, measure the voltage at the relay box....because for whatever the reason there isn't enough voltage to keep the contacts of the ignition relay or fuel pump relay closed....think you've got an OLD battery that cannot hold up the show...and tho can provide the necessary 300 cold cranking amps NOW, will not perform as needed....UNDO the black cable as it connects to the chassis and wirebrush the lug and the spot where the lug attaches to assure needed Amperage to the relay bank...you may even pull the relay's and smell them to see if they are burnt~....restored GROUND potential will save the day....NEW battery will happen soon if yours is older than five years old....let's get those relays operating properly~
Thanks I'm going to see if that