What would cause my van to keep dying as im driving has new fuel pump and filter
1 Answer
Had a similar problem driving a 2nd-hand 1994 with 150k miles. On long interstate trips at 70ish speeds the van would lose power or die anywhere after traveling between 85-300 miles. After 30-45 minutes rest it would then resume full speeds? Tried changing gas filters and pulling gas tank to replace pump and on one occasion deliberately drove 300 miles and then rushed into a shop with a mechanic waiting to check it, but never found the cause. It may have had something to do with vacuum or possibly something to do with the gas cap. In exasperation I pulled into a Dodge dealership when it died after 170 miles and traded for a '98. Am still driving the '98 and only problems have been $2k transmission and brakes, but I love it and travel the I- 75 left lane through Atlanta.