Changed 3 sensors throttle sensor o2 sensors bank 1 sensor 2 and bank 2 sensor 2 still not accelerating correct what else can be wrong.
6 Answers
lots of things. why did you change to cat monitor sensors? They dont affect air/fuel ratio there purpose is to make sure the catalyst is doing its job. Did you have a check engine light on?
Yes.went to auto zone machine said it was the problem.went back after they were changed machine said everything was good and nothing else was wrong.
Car runs but it will make it down the street and then it won't go over 20mph.have to shut car off and then restart it..
auto zone is good to get codes from and thats about it. the poeple that work there dont really have to have a solid knowledge about how to diagnose vehicles they just gotta be able to look up parts and install wipers blades and batteries. Im not expert when it comes to a lexus but I would recommend taking it to a reputable shop and having the dtc's checked again and have them give you a better explination of what is going on.
Ok gonna take it to a shop and get a real test done..thanks