Should I buy a used 2006 saab w 77,00 miles given they are out of business?
3 Answers
The future availability of parts is a concern. It probably effects the value and the value will diminish as the parts pool dries up. It's still a decent car and you should be able to get a few good years out of it.
I own one. very nice but a nightmare if they break. I almost had to junk it when the ignition went bad. I found one on ebay for $100 but spent more than $1000 beforethat. mechanics seem to hate them. I've had it 6 years now but I wouldn't do it again
Paininthe93se answered 4 years ago
77,00 miles ? That's just warmed up ! Sure, they are quirky beasts, but every car has its own foibles, and there's plenty of helpful forums online (saabcentral is highly recommended IMHO) A dream to drive, if looked after properly (regular oil change etc) they are as good as anything else I've ever owned. One BIG issue you need to watch out for is oil sludge. Caused primarily by the crankcase ventilation system's poor design, the sludge blocks up the oil pickup strainer in the sump and starves the engine of adequate oil supply flow and pressure - result: seriously worn crankshaft etc and possible engine siezure. That's an expensive affair. A known issue that Saab put their hands up to early-to-mid 90's and resolved by redesigning the breather system pipework. Check online with saabcentral forums for info and google for images, to identify if the modified breather system has been fitted. Obviously Saab has gone to meet its maker, as a company, but the kit is available (in UK, will provide the complete modified kit - currently priced around the £ 50 mark) If you are satisfied that all is well, the very first thing that you should do is get that saab on ramps or over a pit and take that engine sump off , take the guts apart and give it a thorough inspection and cleaning. (you cant tell if there's sludge by looking at the dipstick) Apart from that, these cars are as reliable as any other car and to be honest, personally speaking, I wouldn't change my 93SE convertible for any other car