04 a4 1.8 vacuum hose fill with yellow slim stuff.
Car had misfire on cylinders 2 no vacuum
leaks how ever I foun a leak between
exhaust manifold N turbo
wastgate/housing(turbo mount gasket seal)
half gone N its leaking, maybe explain my
rough idle on low rpm N misfire N will be
repair.... Has I was removing all vacuum
lines by head gasket n disconnected 3way
hose yellow slimy stuff came out N what I
did was follow all the way down n it turned
to be a breather hose connected to engine....
I took intake manifold off for more room...
Has soon as I remove lock pin the breather
hose came off(cracked right before the lock
pin) N also I discovered the reason of my
coolant lost, the coolant was leaking
through the J plug lol.... It looked like maybe
it made its way in through cracked breather
hose which explain yellow stuff in vacuum
line....anyways I removed the rest of broken
breather hose N yellow stuff is inside Im not
sure what to call it maybe breather hose
housing, its kinda connected with oil filter or
whatervre its called, does any 1 know what
the yellow stuff is?......it was also weird
yellow stuff only occur from crank case to
head gasket N all the way down to breather
hose N inside.