Sub 93 oil fill stick tead
I can't remember on my oil stick of
the F stands for full or fill and I
can't find my book. I usually
remember filling it to too botch
about a guart . Above the F. I do
check warned up. Level and wipe
a few times and double check it.
But my memory failing me I think
and not sure where to fill it to.
Don't want to blow motor and it's
changed every 3.000 had 2yrs
with 196+ on it am waiting to
change oil this time over Mark by
300 but oil is clean and will be
doing it next month Also the
issues I've got are same as the
other 93 post I read. Rev up on
Rom. And dimming and fonxy like
instruments work when they want
speakers and mirrors. Rrannibg
feels slipping but will check fluid
but need oil gauge on stick where
do I fill it to.