That's interesting. I looked at the therm stat housing which is on the left side and didn't find any
thing. Looked at the top rad hose mount casting on the right side of the head where the gauge
sensor and a other coolant sensor is and don't see any bleeder. What's interesting is from where
the sensor is mounted in the casting it slops up from there by way of top rad hose to the radiator. I
would guess from their air would find its way up,and out when thermostat is open and water
circulates. I replaced the radiator hoses and stat About 5 weeks ago and all,was fine since then
till,I broke,the sensor and replaced it. Years ago I had a ford escort,where the headway above the
rad cap and it had a bleeder port in the head to vacate all the air trapped. But I think this is lower
than the rad and looks like,it should allow air to travel up.
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