Can I put a 1991celica 4AFE 1.6l into my 1993 corolla if I have a 1.6l 4Afe?
10 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
...and have a boneyard "frankencar?"...just how poor you are that you cannot find another....there are SKADS of them now....on the market...what, do you have a boatload of tools and nothing to do with them? Just wonderin'~
Yeah kinda don't have any thing else to do.
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
Go Avery Go.!!! I used to be young once...there is a lot to learn about the various systems....of course you aren't taking a Jaguar and fitting it with a Ford Engine (common practice) and both are toyotas so the electricals are gonna be close~ bully for you my friend....and having to explain things to a parts counter guy is un-necessary if you simply order your parts online~ kudos to you my friend~
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
the Celica is the choice '72 they still had the dragon icon on the steering wheel...Eight horn buttons four in front and four in back...the five speed would go like hell....used to love the '72....until Ralph Nader made them put these ugly rubber baby bumpers front and rear....had removed them from my '73 cause they were-UNcool~ :)
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
in Wisconsins SALT-roads...the car literally fell apart into amount of bed-frame sacrifice could stop the fred-flintstone floor~ I cried the day I HAD TO say goodbye~
Thks alot. For the story too #MoneyCan'tbuythe American Dream
The 4A FE came in two versions, a 12 valve and a 16 valve and are interchangeable, but there is more to it than the heads. To state the obvious the 12 valve cam wont work on the 16 valve engine, so if you do this get EVERYTHING POSSIBLE from the donor Celica, wiring harness, ECU, etc. Also if you go parts searching, that year the Geo Prizm is the same car, different badge so all parts will work from Prizm
Correction: the 16 valve engine was the 4A GE ...and 4A F had a carburetor and 4A FE is fuel injection
If you're going through the effort of a swap I don't know why you don't just go for a 20V 4A-GE.