95 chevy s10 LS no electrical after starting without key
Hello all,
So a week or two ago I realized I could pull the key out of
the ignition cylinder of my 95 2.2L s10 while it was running,
and at the time I thought it was pretty funny..
If i took it all the way to the furthest back position(with
pressing the button next to the keyhole) then the key
tumbler would still lock however.
TODAY after parking, I turned the key to he off position(not
furthest back locked position) and took the key out,
I then took a gander at the ignition and wondered if itd start
without the key...
Not a smart move. I turned the ignition to start, dash lights
came on and it started to crank for .07 secs then if just
stopped, no dash lights or anything..
Now when I try to start it the key and tumbler do absolutely
nothing, not sure what I did but I feel like I tripped some
sort of anti theft function D:
Any help is much appreciated!