my bad, 1999 MERC-BENZ E320 is not a wagon, sorry; but maybe you need extra info. MKL & SRU seem as if they fittings to a pump next to battery under back seat. Help w/ ?
2 Answers
Not sure exactly what you are asking here, the pump you refer to under the rear seat i beleive is the vacuum pump that powers the remote door locking amongst other things.
THANKS , AND i BELIEVE THIS WAS THE STARTING POINT . tHE REAR PASSENGERSIDE ChILD PROOF SWITCH HAS BROKE/MALFUNTIONED (WINDOW CAME OFF TRACK) FINALLY FIXXED , BUT DURING THE REPAIR RAN BATTERY DOWN TO CRITICAL VOLTS<11 TO CAUSE ANOTHER PROBLEMO"[ NO A/C, plus dashboard guages inoperable, most evey electrical device working as far as i can tell. All fuses in all three places ck out. Here lies my fix that caused another problem" MURRFY's Law". If, and I hope there is a simple solution, but a term called Flashshing keep popping up. Lets make this simple,PLEASE! Don't Deal very well w/ Dealerships. Which don't stink!