So I'm looking for and aftermarket hood with a scoop for a 2008 Impala, perferably carbon fiber. The problem is that I can't find anything. According to a little researching I've done, The latest generation of Monte Carlos have the same hood of the 8th gen Impala, but I can't even find any for the Monte. Here's a link for what im looking for.
5 Answers
I was not aware that there were any difference in the hoods of the current impalas. I believe the current Impala model line has ran from 2006-2012 (although a new design is supposed to be out for 2013). I found the fiberglass version of the hood you gave the link too. Andys AutoSport usually has everything out there that is available. exterior/hoods/fiberglass_hoods/mpd_inc/
There is no carbon fiber hoods for the 8th gen monte carlo's. Trust me. The only way to have one is either wrap it in a vinyl, or spend some money and have one made from scratch.
Thanks alot, that's exactly what I was looking for.
check out or they have plenty of aftermarket hood scoops for any car.