When I go over bumps/uneven road or into a driveway at an angle, I hear a slight popping noise from the front right or left side. I've had right/left control arms replaced as well as right/left strut
3 Answers
ToasterVan answered 8 years ago
According to Jim Miller, This could mean that one or both of your CV joints needs to be replaced: http://www.auto-repair- help.com/auto_diagnostics/i_hear_a_popping_sound_during_tight _turns.php
Strange thing is, it isn't when I turn through. I hear the popping noise on the right or left side in the front. If I go over a bump with left tire, I hear noise on left side. If I go over a bump on right tire, I hear noise on right side. Turning seems to be fine and there's no noise when I turn. I'm thinking it might be the sway bar and the components that go along with it (like bushings) or the actual struts themselves. I might make an appointment at local dealer to have them check the struts themselves and the sway bar, just hoping I don't get a ridiculous estimate.
I managed to solve my problem. I took my car to the dealer and had them change the bushings and links on my suspension and there is no more noise when I go over bumps/uneven road. Car handles better too. The difference in driving is uncanny.