2011 Ford focus won't start
I've had my car for 3 yrs.. the last 2 yrs..out
of the blue it won't start it just cranks over.
Maybe in an hour or next day it'll start again
might run for weeks then again only
cranking.. I've had ignition switch clutch
switch ..relays. battery checked.. noone
knows why and what's wrong..I'm wasting
money I don't have..don't understand why
noone can fix it
7 Answers
beatupchevy answered 7 years ago
A mechanic is supposed to do diagnostic tests for proper spark fuel pressure etc. what you did was like shooting an automatic rifle into the woods hoping to hit a deer . Do you use different keys at anytime or the same one ? Is there any other things associated with the no start condition ? Hot , cold , first thing in the morning ?
Doesn't matter if it's morning evening afternoon. Cold hot warm.. it's been a problem for 2.5 yrs. Happens randomly.. it's been great last 2 weeks.. this week wouldn't start Monday. Wouldn't start last night. I was stranded both times took 3 hrs of waiting then it started just fine.. Ive spent over $1000..withing 2wks same problem I have 2 mechanics give up..I work out of it.. I need it otherwise I'd push it off a cliff
Sorry.. I only have one key.. had it checked ..nothing key related or ignition
beatupchevy answered 7 years ago
it has to be checked for proper function when the problem occurs , otherwise it will show normal , that's just the way it is
Thanks anyways..it's been not starting only cranking over for 2.5 yrs..never know when it'll do it. Within an HR to a couple it'll start again.. there's noone to call when it's only cranking..I'm a girl.. so I guess I just keep driving it the way it is and hope pray it'll just quit starting completely..so someone can finally tell me why & actually fix it.. thank you for your time
beatupchevy answered 7 years ago
well at least you're honest enough not to sell it and dump the problem onto someone else , what ever that's worth today .
I'm having the same exact problem and rely on my focus as well..... I found banging on the ignition helps sometimes but idk what else to do I'm at a loss. Ever figure out what was wrong?