I have a 99 Ford explorer and i want to replace the driver side front seat how do i go about changing it without the air bags going off and how to disengage them?.
5 Answers
Not sure how seat and air-bags are related/connected, if they are. But in any case, do NOT attempt to disable air bags. Period. Air bag work should be strictly left to trained professionals. http://www.ehow.com/how_5711340_remove-ford-explorer-seats.html
What airbag? The one on the wheel? I have a 99 XLS and the only airbag is on the steering wheel. Do you have something different?
Oj yes according to the Owners manual there is supposed to be a senser some where in the seat or the seat wireing.
OK, if there is a sensor in the seat for the airbag do the following. Disconnect the battery from the terminals and wait a few minutes. Look under the seat, there should be a wiring hornace, unplug it. Remove the four bolts securring the seat to the floor. While looking under the seat, gently lean the seat backward to make sure there are no other attached electrical connections you missed. If none, lift and remove seat from vehicle.
Oj thanks there is, and there was, and I did, and it worked thanks loads.