1997 firebird replaced the fuel pump, the connector, the filter too! made sure everything was connected. the fuel isn't getting to the engine????
2 Answers
Is fuel pump coming on? If not check for voltage at pump.
There is a fuel pump test connection under the hood, near the PCM. It allows you to bypass the relay, and the PCM interlocks to test the pump itself, and the wiring to the pump. The relay is behind the driver's side kick panel. Shoebox has the info you need - these are for a 95, but your 97 will be very similar: ---- Fuel pump prime connector - apply 12V ---- http://shbox.com/1/fuel_pump_prime.jpg ----- Fuel pump relay ----- http://shbox.com/1/fuel_pump_relay.jpg ----- Fuel pump wiring diagram ----- http://shbox.com/1/1995_pcm3.jpg -----
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