Copyright Notice Policy

August 02, 2024

If you in good faith believe that your copyrights are being infringed by material on CarGurus' website, you may request removal of those materials (or access to them) from the website by following the procedure outlined below.

As per the Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42), you must email a notice to including the following information to put CarGurus on notice of the infringement:

  • State the copyright holder's name and address,
  • Identify the copyright material that is alleged to have been infringed and the copyright, holder's interest or right with respect to that material,
  • Specify the location data (e.g. the web address or Internet address associated with the alleged infringement),
  • Specify the infringement that is alleged, and
  • Specify the date and time of the alleged infringement.

Once CarGurus is put on notice, CarGurus will forward the notice to the appropriate third party in compliance with Canada's Notice and Notice procedure.