04 grand cherokee
Asked by Footballmom1 Sep 01, 2017 at 12:40 PM about the 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee Columbia Edition 4WD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
No therm in, new water pump, new fan, new
radiator, took therm out cause of over
heating when AC is on, was good for a while
not last might temp gauge went to 260 what
else can it be
2 Answers
Hornet_2497 answered 7 years ago
Lots of new parts but look/see if the fan is actually kicking on. Things will get hot a lot faster, especially when the A/C is on, or if the vehicle is parked and there is no movement of air through the radiator
You need to install the thermostat. Without it the coolant flows through the radiator to quickly and does not let the radiator dissipate heat fast enough from the coolant. So gradually the vehicle will overheat in time.