
Will The Price Of A F355 Go Up Or Down In Years To Come?

The f355 hasn't dropped value so far but has raised a bit and I was wondering if it's still going to raise in value even more or drop value so I can know if it's a good investment as far as a car go...


How Do I Find My Car That Was For Sale

I had my car listed but then took it down as I was having some things updated and now want to resist but can't find it in your history ?

Which Is Less Maint, Stick Or Auto?

Interested in buying a '99 F355 Convertible. Curious to know the reliability, maint cost, etc, of stick vs auto.

Which Is Less Maint, Stick Or Auto?

Interestedin buying a '99 F355 convertible. Curious to know maintenance cost, reliability of stick vs auto.