

My 1991 Ford LTD Sputtering And Bogging Down When Accelerating

This is a 5.0 302... Sometimes it accelerates decently, but not as strong as it used to... other times it sputters and slowly starts to accelerate... then occasionally it damn near stalls out... ba...

Dash Goes Out When Key Is Wiggled.

I have a 86 LTD Crown Vic with Dash and radio issues. They both go out if the key is wiggled while started. If I move the key they come back on but will go out if the key wiggles a bit.

Interchangeable Parts

I have a 1991 Ford Ltd crown Victoria that the starter went out on. And I was just wondering what the interchangable parts list would be on this vehicle


Looking For An '86-'87 2-door

OK, This isn't really a tech question but I'm getting desperate. I'm looking for a mid 1980's Ford LTD Crown Victoria 2-door. The last year for the 2 door was 1987. I prefer an '86 or '87 if possible...