
07 Kia Spectra Code P0700

Code P0700, print out from parts store says replace transmission wire harness how accurate is that and what cost range am I looking at


Replacing In-tank Fuel Filter

The fuel pump and filter assembly appears to be held in place in the tank with a large metal ring with 8 small holes in it. How do I get the old filter out of the tank?


2006 Kia Spectra 5 2.0l

I have a 2006 Kia spectra 5 I had originally had p0032 heater oxygen sensor bank 1 bank . I replaced both O2 sensors and the oil temp sensor. I also replaced spark plugs, ignition wires. Car has ...

2007 Kia Spectra Leaking Fuel, Intermediate Stalls

My car started to intermediately stall out at idle. Seems like once warmed up it will idle for a few minutes then stall. It will fire right back up but do it again after a couple of minutes. After c...