
What Is Stopping My Fans From Working When My Motor Gets Hot

My Oldsmobile alero is running hot after 15-20 the fans run sometimes but at a low speed I have new temp sensor, radiator, thermostat but still runs hot to the point that the throttle body gets so ...


2003 Olds Alero 3.4L Won't Start After Changing Fuel Pump & Fuel Filter

2002 Olds Alero 3.4L won't start after I changed the fuel pump & filter unless I pour a little gas in the throttle body port. Runs fine until I shut it off for a while then I have to ad gas to start...

2001 Oldsmobile Alero

I had the all the speakers replaced it worked great for a short while but now the door speakers only work sometimes I've checked the wiring multiple times but figure out what's wrong back speakers ...

Security Light Shut Down

I have a 2002 Alero that won’t start. At first I thought it was my fuel pump but found out it wasn’t. I let a mechanic look at it and he said the security system shut down my car and he had to d...