New Subaru Forester

2026 Subaru Forester Overview
The 2026 Subaru Forester has been announced, but it is not yet available for purchase.

Used Subaru Forester

Subaru Forester Questions

Does Car Guru Have A Government Assistance Program?

https://imagescdn.dealercarsea... 4621/22347597/6387750113369289...

Government Assistance Program

Does car guru have a government assistance program to help purchase a vehicle?


Somebody Know Where It Goes This?

My car drop a plastic hose i can say about inch or inch and a half kinda square that don't know where it goes any idea please, vehicle is a 2011 subaru forester 2.5X


Maintenance Advice For Subaru

My 2017 Subaru Forester is getting close to 100,000 miles, and would like some advice on necessary maintenance I should consider right now. Thank you!