how do you remove the bolt holding the fuel filter and fuel pump for my 1981 280 CE Mercedes Benz
5 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
Is this like a 3" in diameter "sausage" with fittings on each end or a cartridge type where it needs to be parted in the middle?
it has a boat near the filter a little the pipe that goes into it and then another boat on the end
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
cannot grip it to put a wrench without breaking it? is it glass? if you've got the cartridge is a matter of disassembly, then...really wish I could come and help you, but get a solid grip with a big channel locks if necessary~ there is a "spring" what holds the cap on? I can invision...think you must slide this spring cap aside ~?
thank you I appreciate the effort I'm going to take a picture and see if someone can tell me how to take this thing off
hi I need some assistance I have a 280 se Mercedes that has been parked for two years, now I need to start this beauty of mine, can anyone advise me on the first step.