1975 280z Datsun Electrical Problems?
Asked by tabitha_zx Feb 26, 2013 at 03:35 PM about the 1975 Datsun 280Z
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I have a 75 that will crank up with a jump, run for a little while and then if I sit too long the lights and radio will start to fade out the car will start to choke off like its running out of gas and then die. Once it dies when I put the key in it wont even click or try to turn over. I'm out of ideas. I've replaced the alternator, battery, fuses, terminal ports, and gas in the tank..
7 Answers
sounds like security,find all you can on the early z cars alarm ,you can try turn key in doors ,make sure hood and hatch buttons are working for alarm, this car is shutting down full tilt
I also had one where the pcm at r foot panel was dented and broke the circut board ,
tabitha_zx answered 12 years ago
I recently did hit a log on the bottom side of my passenger panel closest to the front wheel, and about a week later I started having problems. How easy of a fix was your circuit board?
I just got a used pcm cheap and plugged it in, check it under the r side front kick panel yours may be under seat?maby loose jack
Get another fuse box. Where you described you were hit is where the fuse box is! Also go get your alternator and battery tested. Advance Auto does both for free without removing them from your car.