Any engine needs three things to run spark,fuel and timing.Now i'll stick my neck out here and assume that it
ran before?You want to check the simple stuff first,the line that comes up the side of the block is a crankcase
vent if the hose is split or broken the car will have a hard time starting.I have seen cars not run because the oil
cap was not put on correctly.In the fuse box off to the side there are two fuses that are for the fuel
injection.folks make the mistake of thinking they are spare fuses ,they are not.check the ground on the intake
manifold.and be absolutely sure that the marks for the timing are correct,that the cam is set correctly to the
no 1 cyl. firing position.What did you disassemble to do the belt and did you use the factory tools for
dissasembly,as the crank pulley bolt is extremely tightI am a factory trained Audi tech and started working on
the car line in 1981So i am very familiar with that engine and the controls.good luck.