dodge raider need fuel filler hose any body know if you can use other vehicle hose?


Asked by peltington Nov 11, 2011 at 04:14 PM about the 1987 Dodge Raider

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

fuelfiller hose is cracked at tank .can't locate any parts place that has
this part.

5 Answers


you can buy fuel line at any NAPA parts store. it wont be OEM but im sure you could make it work.

1 people found this helpful.

Thanks for the info...We are looking to improvise since no one carries the fuel filler hose. The vehicle is in great condition for an 87 everything works right down to the rear window washer...seems a shame that the filler hose is keeping it parked for the moment.

1 people found this helpful.

No, I had the same issue but bought another car that had a fair one. It was cracked on the top side and I JB welded..

1 people found this helpful.

I have same problem, anyone know what to do? I have called all around, can't even get one made. Please call 727 495-3045 if you a solution to help. Thank you

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