My 1985 Grand National starts fine but then when i drive it somewhere and try to start it up again, i turn the key and nothing happens. i dont know much about cars. please help.
Asked by cmsofficial Jan 02, 2013 at 11:34 PM about the 1985 Buick Grand National
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
My 1985 Grand National works fine until i try starting it up again. i dont know a lot about cars. If you do please tell
me how i can fix this problem and how much it would cost. the car has a little over 70,000 miles on it
5 Answers
May need to replace the starter cylinoid or install / replace starter heat shield. May be worth taking a look into, relatively cheap fixes
cmsofficial answered 12 years ago
well i have a new battery. when i charge it, it runs fine but as soon as i turn the engine off it wont start again without a jump.
Check your alternator maybe? even if it's brand new and even if its the 2nd one, on my old 85' Z28 Camaro the alternator was bad when it was brand new then the new one i got was faulty, i actually went through 3 - and let me tell you, when you go through 2 you start to think its something else.
No just auto zone crap never ever ever ever buy electrical from auto zone or advanced. Robert I have heard soooo many stories identical to yours about alternators and starters.