Oil Leaking From Air Hose - (Chevy Optra Diesel 2.0) - Oil is leaking from the air hose though there is air flow, and it leaks from the Cylinder (Does not know what to call it - marked in blue)
4 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
You've attempted to turn the breeze clamp tighter to seal this leak off? are there any methods available to tighten the clamps and stop it from leaking?
@Bob - Thank you for the Reply The clamps are tightened, but the main thing is as soon as the oil is jammed up in the pipes and Cylinder with i marked in blue color and then the leakage is starting. Once cleaned the metal pipe connected to cylinder and then it stopped leaking for 20 days and later stated leaking as soon as the oil filled in that cylinder through the front joint and back joint.
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
Diesel...how should I say this is OILY. Ya see, how am I supposed to know what oil it is and where it came from. This could be totally normal, a kind of binge and purge cycle...I don't know. Is the oil supposed to be there? if it isn't we must find what to do to stop it. perhaps there is a seal kit for just this purpose, you might look into a supplier for gaskets for this very problem.
Looks kinda like the turbo, I haven't worked on this particular engine but if it is the turbo leaking it needs fixed soon. The turbos internal components can reach speeds in excess of 100,000 RPM and no that's not a typo 100,000 RPM. Turbos need oil.