have a prob with my corona ST190. the left front wheel is jacking when you want to take off very fast. it stabilizes afterwards as you continue. again when at high speed and you reduce abruptly, then you want to pull up again or accelerate, it does the same thing. but some times you dont feel anything either way. what could be the problem? thanx in advance


Asked by Abraham Apr 27, 2015 at 03:04 AM about the 1994 Toyota Corona

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

how can i fix my car. corona ST190. the left front wheel is jacking on take off and even when you get an abrupt stop then take off again i mean as am on the highway driving. some mechanics hav checked and replaced the caps but i havent got good results. sometimes it doesnt jack but when it does, you wont like it. plz i need your expertise help

2 Answers


thanx Tom let me try that i think you might be right

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