Probably old but have to know if you
hear the click of a relay on the starter,
you must examine the braided copper
cable between the solenoid and the
starter. Clean 2 contacts of starter
small and big (some have a clip on
small wire, wiggle that only. If big and
small wire at end of starter you need
to touch a booster cable live from
battery to both contacts at the same
time or join a thick wire to touch both
at same time, if you touch only one,
you will get the engagement of the
solenoid, or the whir of the starter
(assuming you have a ground to the
motor as the starter is grounded by
the casing and retaining bolts as the
motor is grounded usually by a cable
or thick braided wire clipped around
the motor mount or from battery to
engine, and you need a good ground
from body to engine or battery, easy to
run a wire to negative. May want to
run a thinner negative line from the
battery to a good volt on the motor
with clean contact points. I can do all
this in 10 mins with proper tools and a
few parts. If you hook up red booster
cable to battery, turn key on, then you
can touch both contacts on starter at
same time be careful not to touch
ground anywhere- can be tricky, more
work to run a thick wire to the big
starter post with good tight
Issue could be security related like an
old key or ignition part that won’t read
the key chip, should see flashing lock
symbol on dash when turning key, that
requires special tool typically or pins in
the obdii crosses on a Toyota, maybe
Don’t give up. Sounds like starter,
relay or wire issue. Could say more but
bad connection to battery is 80%
cranking power loss as well as bad
connections to starter. Some vehicles
have a big fuse on the live wire at
bottom of radiator, google that...
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