How can a customer who feels defrauded by Blok Charity Auction get the Dept. of Consumer Affairs to investigate/
I purchased a car from Blok Charity (ha-just check the public records of their profits vs donations) and a "real" mechanic instead of whomever they get to do the smogs- told me if I paid more than $600 for the car they listed and sold for $3000 I was ;robbed.' The car had hidden rust underneath ( you can't move the cars more than an inch and if a car is parked in front and back you can't really look under. The suspension was shot, the dask was 'fixed' so the check engine light did not come on when you turn car on...etc and there were numerous other items that should have kept the car from passing smog. The yard attendant told me I could feel confident because the car had been recently smogged. I would like to know what it takes for Car sales fraud folks from City Atty, Atty Gen and State Automotive department to thoroughly review their business practices.