Where can I find the VIN number on my 1935 Commander?

Asked by Scott Nov 14, 2010 at 12:34 AM about the 1935 Studebaker Commander

Question type: General

3 Answers


Scott, Have you tried posting your questions on the blogs here? www.studebakerdriversclub.com They are very nice! I ask plenty of questions and always get an answer. I have a 50 Champion and a 61 Lark. I'd try plate on door post or firewall. If not there, I have heard talk of a hidden one on the rear crossmember. Cabrina

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I am still struggling to find a second location other than the door jamb because DMV insists there need to be 2 locations with VIN! Anyone know where exactly I can find this on a 1956 Studebaker President?

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Hi Prasanth, try Studebakerdriversclub.com. I have a '55 Stude truck, in my case the model number and cab serial number became my VIN as far as my states DMV is concerned - the plate bearing it is on the cab/door jamb. Studebaker did not use a VIN like Fords and Chevys did. Hopefully you won't have to fight your state's DMV to educate them to this fact. (true VINs weren't enacted by law until the 60's).

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