how do I deactivate the anti alarm system on my 2002 ford taurus
I couldnt start my car the switch wouldn't turn so we kept hitting it and now we changed
the switch and still nothing i was told that the anit theft system is activated and we need
to deactivate it how can i do so? help im desperate
7 Answers
Disconnect negative battery terminal for at least 12 seconds or longer, and then reconnect. Negative only, no need to disconnect the positive terminal.
I have a question what fuse is it that I disconnect for the alarm so I can start my car up it sating its lockedw
may car have an aftermarket shutoff system they use to installed for bad credit customer so the car alarm stay active and car would not start till they make the payment
I feel your pain. My 200 Sable was suffering the same malaise ... damn thing would start, not start, start, not start .... but the not starting became more and more often. When I would turn the key to on I knew it wasn't gonna start because the anti-theft light would be blinking like a humming bird with a tic in it's eye. I TRIED EVERYTHING. All the crap about disconnecting the negative terminal. the positive, both, leave the key in, change the battery, new keys made, HANGING FRICKING GARLIC FROM THE REAR-VIEW MIRROR ....... I untimely took it to my local garage and he had it for three days, tore it up, all to no avail. Then I took place about an hour away where I knew the guy, he used to be a chief mechanic at a Ford dealer. I sure didn't wanna go to Ford for the obvious reason$$$. So my guy checked the cheap stuff methodically and discounted it all .... He had said from the beginning that if it was getting worse, meaning it was starting less and less often, then it was likely the computer. And it was. Believe me, I have seen every ad, article, and idea that you have about resetting, but it needed a new one. They tend to last roughly 150,000 miles more or less ...... Mine was less. He did it for $700 out the door, and that was a good deal.