where is the hatch Release button on the inside of the PT Cruiser?
8 Answers
Thank You Tom, that was VERY HELPFUL!!! Bless you, NancyAnne
44 people found this helpful.
There really is none. It's attached to the power door locks system. There is no internal release lever and the rear "door" (liftgate) locks and unlocks with the rest of the door....
49 people found this helpful.
Can't open trunk door only 4 front doors open
93 people found this helpful.
How to open hatch on PT Cruiser
25 people found this helpful.
Had that problem, l pulled off the inside panel on the hatch it only has push tabs very easy Then you'll have access to the lock assembly which you can pull on the locking arm to open hatch.
11 people found this helpful.
2005 PT Cruiser 4 Cyl Turbo when I put the car in Drive, Hatch opens?
4 people found this helpful.
When I put my 2005 PT Cruiser in Drive the Hatch Opens up, Why?
2 people found this helpful.
wheres the latch to open the storage
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