where is the starter located for 1998 Dodge Intrepid?

Asked by brokendown Oct 03, 2007 at 03:58 PM about the 1998 Dodge Intrepid

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

3 Answers


Depends on the engine, but typically is located on the front of the engine near the oil filter facing with the starter gear towards the right-hand side of the vehicle (driver's side).

3 people found this helpful.

no thats not right, it is on the passanger side down by the battery, easy to see from the bottom of the car

2 people found this helpful.

Okay I can tell you from personal experience the starter on a 2000 Dodge Intrepid 2.7 l is located I need driver side Maybe 8 in back from the serpentine belt and there is a shield covering it you need a 8 mm socket to remove that shield and get to the starter.

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