Over heating Neon
2 Answers
beatupchevy answered 7 years ago
Don't drive it hot ,start it up get to normal operating temp. and see if rad. fans come on when temp gets too high ,, replace thermostat or check old one in pan of hot water to see if it opens , , if coolant is mucky flush the system , let us know what happens
Ok so there's a couple things...I did change the radiator cap just cus the one on it was old but also when I went to go pick up my car from the side of the road it was daylight n as I kept looting in antifreeze it kept coming out. So I checked hoses they were all on ok n didn't seem to be leaking but when looking under car it was like the antifreeze was coming from several different locations or something. Not sure. So in my research it looks as if it could maybe be the water pump?!?! I'm not positive. I'm not a mechanic. I'm kinda handy with cars can do my own brakes, oil. I've changed gaskets, hoses just the very basics. But while trying to figure the issue out I tried the deal where ya try to get air pockets out etc and 1- my antifreeze (when this first happened) looked brownish like and my cap n even the antifreeze a little looked like it was rusty -the cap definitely and then that same color was mixed in with the fluid- idk I've had radiator issues in other cars but never anything like that. Has anyone ever heard of such? Could it been that the car was in a flood or something? I purchased the car about a year ago and even then the fluids looked that way but the car seemed to run ok n air worked so didn't worry too much about it but just thought I'd ask. And also when looking up info n researching it seems like when people change the water pump they also change the timing belt?!? Is that normal? I will probably do it since it's all close or at least looks like it and they sell it all in like a kit like that lol But I'm wondering if by chance it's not the water pump....any other suggestions???? Oh and should I try to buy a new radiator? Do ya think it would help with the rusty color crap n whatever clearly kept it that way? Or could that have made my water pump go out??? Idk I just can't afford a new car although I wish I could afford one or at least new to me. Thanks for the advice and suggestions!