Austin Cambridge

Asked by viv_derrick1 Aug 09, 2014 at 04:53 AM about the 1958 Austin Cambridge

Question type: General

My Father owned an Austin Cambridge that was cream with a maroon flash down the
side.  Reg 2465 VB.  Does anyone know whether it is still on the road.  Unfortunately, I
can't be sure of it's year.

1 Answer


You must be English, as cars are assigned a certain plate number and that number stays with the car- wow, we Americans marvel at the romanticism you guys have about certain old autos- here, they just pass away with the sands of time and we forget about them- oh, and that happens to the PEOPLE we care about too, except we remember the people a little more- can't you just go to your DMV, or registration service, or whatever you call the govt. entity that collects the taxes, and have THEM track that plate number?

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