My truck is doing The Same Thing as Red Beard said his was doing
Start than sometimes die, but when it does
Start AND RUN it'll do The same thing like i
said Red Beard had problems with Exactly
The Same Problems. Replaced the exhaust
Today Just Because it needed replaced but
anywyas also the air flow sensor I think it
was that's rite behind the carborator and put
a new ignition coil and it started rite up for a
min or so than died. Started it again and it
ran a lil while than died again. Drove to the
grocery store, back home and it like Tried
dying but like started Itself back up than just
like an hour ago i ran to the gas station,
wouldn't start when leaving than FINALLY
did and got to a stop light and it kept acting
like it Wanted to die rite when i stopped/like
studdering or whatever than finally did die.
Tried starting it for about 5 mins, not rite
After each other turning the key or Anything
and still nothing. Got pulled home from a
buddy THAN get home and it starts rite up
but wasn't for long. Please PLEEEEAASE IF
Anyone could give me some info I'd Really
Appreciate it, getting to the point now I'd
even pay if it was the rite info and it worked.
Don't have an account or anything on here
but names Eric Billings, Live greencaslte IN
and idk if i can receive messages on here
but have a Facebook under Eric Billings,
profile pic of my son and i or can text/call
GOD.BLESS. 765-721-5272 begging for help
at this point because I need it to get my son
to his doctor appts