My 1975 fuel injected VW will start and then die.I've replaced all of the plugs and points ,condenser,wires,coil. But in all of this I forgot to lable the wires to the coil and I can't find them in my book so where do I plug in the wires to the coil there is + and - and 4 wires where do they go

Asked by Jeffrey Feb 07, 2013 at 11:39 PM about the 1975 Volkswagen Super Beetle

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

75 VW super beatle

4 Answers

Thank u for your time. it doesnt show me where + and- go and how to determond which wires are + and -


The coil normally has a + and/or - symbol on the terminals, as for which wire is +, get the multimeter out and check with the ignition switched on. It's not difficult.

The + is from the ignition switch, and is hot when the key is in the on position. (+ is putting electricity into the coil.) - goes to the distributor. (- takes electricity out of the coil.)

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