Help. Super beetle won't start when hot.
Asked by GuruDWHCJ2 May 10, 2024 at 11:45 PM about the 1978 Volkswagen Super Beetle
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Why will my 78 super beetle starts when cold but won't start when hot? I just
had the fuel pump replaced. I can start it up and drive it for 30 minutes. then
when I turn it off it will not start. I have to wait an hour. Then it starts right up. It
didn't do that before I replaced the fuel pump.
3 Answers
Try spraying a little starting fluid down the carburetor or throttle body, if fuel injected. It should run a few seconds on that. If it does you have a fuel problem. If you have a carburetor the gasoline is either leaking out of the float bowl or evaporating away from a bad heat riser, if equipped. If it's fuel injected the fuel system is losing pressure. If it won't run on the starting fluid you have an ignition (no spark) problem. Most likely the ignition coil. Sometimes a failing ignition coil will work fine when it's cold but break down when it gets hot. Jim
beatupchevy answered 10 months ago
We'll just assume that it cranks /turns over and doesn't start as opposed not cranking at all