my mother has a 1996 accord with the v-tec engine, it has started surgeing at around 55 to 60 mph, any thoughts on things to try, replace, do to stop this is very much greatly appriciated. thank you.
3 Answers
First thing I'd try is an air filter change, some Chevron injector cleaner, and premium (92 or 93 octane) gas. Also check the transmission! I'm assuming it's an automatic, and Hondas with even slightly low tranny fluid levels get a little grumpy. They get even more grumpy if the filter needs changing and the fluid is dirty or burned.
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ok thanks, the air filter is ok, i changed spark plugs, i checked the distibutor cao and rotor button, they deffanantly need changed, that will be today, and also i noticed oil in the air filter tube goes to the throttle body, reckon where this oil culd be comeing from???
check compression and pcv.
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