This problem could be the Electronic Throttle Body. It has a ' Drive by Wire' system. Also
let the car idle for a while and place your hand as near as the exhaust pipe outlet as
possible and check if there is any pressure coming out of the exhaust pipe. The Catalytic
Converter could also be blocked. There are two oxygen sensors on your vehicle, An
upstream and a down stream oxygen sensor. The upstream sensor is upstream of the CAT
near the exhaust manifold and the down stream is below the CAT on the exhaust pipe end.
They both feed the car's compuer minute signals of between 200 and 900 mV. The
upstream signals flutcuate between these voltages and the down stream keeps a contant
voltage of 5 to 800 mV. If the CAT is blocked or has two much restriction the down stream
sensor will fluctuate.
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