Wires to spark plugs
3 Answers
bestdealz1 answered 8 years ago
the suction sound you heard is the sound of the plugs being pulled from the top tip of your spark plugs, when you put them back you will not hear same sound. To test what i just said, pull it again and you will hear same suction sound. What matters is the engine is working fine, if one cylinder is not working the engine would be shaky and even noisy. If you do not have any of these two, then the wires are just fine.
just make sure when you push the wire back on to the spark plug your engine is off. and push down until it feels tight on the spark plug
yasser arafat answered 7 years ago
hi I had overhaul engine honda accord sda 2004... before I dismantled the engine, that car can start normally... after all job done.. suddenly that car cannot start... I already confirm no have any current supply at spark plug... at injector have current supply.. I already confirm all marking... timing chan.. all in normal condition... have any idea why no.current supply?