Why will my car suddenly stop accelerating?

Asked by tayytoxx Jul 27, 2015 at 09:27 PM about the 2008 Pontiac Wave

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Please bear with me... I drive a 2008 Pontiac Wave 5-Speed.My check engine light is on
first and foremost, and my car will at random times stop accelerating...Like I'll be driving
and I will hit the gas and I will keep rolling just very slowly, and the RPM doesn't do
anything. When this happens I have to pull over turn the car off, and the car somewhat
lurches forward before the engine stops, then I start it back up and it goes back to normal
for a few minutes. When I'm at a stop my car feels like it's going to stall (even when I have
my foot on the clutch, or I'm in neutral). I've had the car for a year and I've noticed it only
does it in the summer. In the winter the check engine light turns off and it runs perfectly.

1 Answer


The first thing you need to do is have the code or codes read so that you can get a understanding of what's going on could be the throttle position sensor or dozens of more sensors that could be causing your problem. Getting the codes read will help you get a better diagnosis of your problem.

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