hey ! Which one is better looking 2011 sedan STI or old hatchback STI
4 Answers
sedan for sure that hatch was the worst looking car subaru could have ever designated as an STI.
It really depends on how you look at it. If you want visual I'd agree that the sedan is better in my opinion. If you look at all aspect of performance then I'd say the hatch is better...yeah sure they have the same motor and drive train and the same mods of that nature but the chassis and suspension upgrades for the hatch are much more effective. The hatch is also lighter on it's feet. I can't remember the weight difference from the factory but that's a plus in that area already....
It all depends on personal tastes. For me, I've been saying that I would never give up my 2007 STI Limited.... but now, I would trade it for an '11 Limited in a heartbeat!
I think the hatch looks better. Over 80% of the time when a sedan and hatch are sold side by side the hatch looks better and 100% of the time is more practical and easier to see out of. (unless its some prius like fastback angle of ugliness that restricts rear view worse than a blindfold) My Volvo 940 Turbo Wagon is awesome because I know where the 4 corners are and I have much more space and even though you wouldnt call it pretty it still looks significantly better than the 900 sedan. Wagons just look better.