After charging battery, and starting engine, lights are flashing and horn is peeping
7 Answers
Try and remove positive cable for a few minute,s and make sure key is not in it when you remove cable,then put key in car,turn it to the on position and replace cable,then crank car,should reset the anti theft on your car.
27 people found this helpful.
Thank you this was a blessing to find
3 people found this helpful.
For a 2010 Kia Forte this DID work. Thank you.
3 people found this helpful.
qdemone1275 answered 2 years ago
It worked GREAT on my 06 Kia Sorento...1. remove cable,2. then put key in car and turn it to the on position 3. replace cable,4. then crank car ...done! Thanks T_S_T
1 people found this helpful.