Cam Shaft Position Sensor


Asked by Kristie Aug 01, 2017 at 02:10 PM about the 2013 Chevrolet Malibu

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

2013 Chevy Malibu 2.5L Okay... So last Thursday
my check engine light came on, I got the code
checked and it was a cam shaft position sensor.
Was told I was okay to drive it til they could get my
car in. My car was using more than usual amount
of gas for short trips. The next day when I started
my car the check engine light was still on but now
my traction control light  was on and my info
screen said to service stabilitrak. The next day all
the error codes were off but I was still burning gas.
Today five days later I went out to start my car and
it just clicked. Called a tow truck and they jumped
it no problem. He tested my battery and said it
read good smh... I am lost. Any ideas as to what is
going on and if the battery issue is related to the
error codes?!

14 Answers


Okay....Define burning gas.

4 people found this helpful.

Okay so I just had the codes looked at again and was correctly told p0013 & p0014. And burning gas as in I can drive on the highway for 15 minutes and use a quarter tank of gas.

5 people found this helpful.

You already know you need to replace the cam position sensor. Do it and see if the car runs better. The charging system issue is another thing - have the alternator and battery tested.

2 people found this helpful.

The traction control issue may be related to the ABS system - again it is unlikely that it is related to the other things.

1 people found this helpful.

Clean and tighten the battery cable ends and the battery terminals. Looked at the alternator? Testing is the thing to do.

1 people found this helpful.

how is the engine temperature? it looks cold from pic. how long was it running? it could need a new thermostat to correct the burning gas issue.

3 people found this helpful.

Do I took it to another garage on Wednesday and they replaced the exhaust valve actuator. I drove from Pennsylvania to Maryland with no issues. We will see how the car runs on the way home tomorrow.

4 people found this helpful.

EGR valve failed.. kinda early but seems like a fix.

1 people found this helpful.

Question. When I replace the crankshaft positioning sensor do I have to resync it with the cam positioning sensors?

10 people found this helpful.

What fuse is that and where is it located??

8 people found this helpful.

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