how can I stop automatic/accidental window opening on Honda CRV
No resolution is in store. Here is the text of my latest correspondence with
Honda after sending in 50+ incident reports
Honda Customer Service
Wed, Mar 18, 2:03 PM (3 days ago)
to me
Dear *****,
Thank you for your continued correspondence.
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide a option to adjust the settings of your
key fob. We apologize for any inconvenience the design of this feature may
be causing you. Furthermore, we are sorry to hear this situation has lead you
to no longer consider Honda for your vehicle needs. We hope you may
reevaluate Honda in the future during your next vehicle purchase. You are
always welcome to join the honda family. Thank you for taking the time to
provide us with this insight into our customers perspective. At this time, your
feedback has been fully documented.
Kind regards,
Honda Automobile Customer Service
Case #09026854