93 explorer ran fine shut off now it wont start
5 Answers
Need to determine if it has spark or not, then check to see if it has the proper fuel pressure.
Do you know what the proper fuel pressure is and how do I check it because it gets Spark
I don't know off hand what the pressure is suppose to be, I lost my fuel pressure charts, but you would have to hook up a fuel pressure gauge in the fuel line to be able to check it. As I remember your fuel pressure should be like 30 to 45 lbs. But try spraying some starting fluid in the throttle body and see if it starts. It would just burn up the starting fluid and then shut off. This would be a good indication that the fuel pump is not either not putting out enough pressure, or it may have lost power to run. If you turn the key to the on position, you should hear it run.
Ours did the same thing we fixed everything we can think of but its not getting spark. How do we get it to spark
Did you ever find the problem?? Mine did the same thing a week ago, ran fine then won't start. So far my mechanic hasn't located the problem.