2004 mazda 6 brake problem. please help!!!


Asked by Dzeraldas May 19, 2009 at 01:54 AM about the 2004 Mazda MAZDA6

Question type: Maintenance & Repair


I have replaced rear brake rotors and pads on my mazda 6, I have cleaned and lubricated guide pins and other sliding surfaces and when I'v put wheel back on It was almost impossible to spin it and i drove like a mile with that to try and hoping it's gonna loosen up but it did not help, rotor got very hot.

what's wrong can be with that. please help me out!!!

1 Answer


It sounds like you did not "SCREW" the caliper piston in all the way. These do not press in, you have to rotate the piston into its bottom position ,BEFORE installing the pads. Thats what the two tabs are for on the top of the piston. There are nice expensive tools out there for this but the easiest way is to use a set of long nosed plyiers and open the caliper bleeder ( makes it easier ) and push and screw at the same time until it stops Good Luck

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